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Books, wine & friendship! Now open for membership!

Reading is a passion of ours, just like marketing, advertising and creative projects! Our team discusses books regularly and I post selections frequently on my personal social media pages, which garner a lot of interaction. A fellow business owner & book worm down in Georgia has been hosting an online group for about a year. She recently invited me to join in after we started a discussion via social media about The Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness (an awesome trilogy, btw!). I've loved hearing from others what they're reading, where they find books and discussing the monthly selection, while also sharing my own recommendations with others! It's fun connecting with people all across the country over a common passion.

So in order to organize all of my posts and personal recommendations, we now have "The Little Black Book Club" a production of The Ladies' Room! While I'll be posting a selection each month (and please, bring on alllll the recommendations), which we will discuss virtually, I also want this to be a forum for everyone to share their own picks, bargains, thoughts and questions! Life, schedules and kids can make it difficult to meet in-person, but that doesn't mean we can't interact with each other in our PJs with some wine on a Sunday night from the comfort of our own couches!

I'll be posting the first selection soon! In the meantime, head over to Facebook and join The Little Black Book Club! Make sure to bring friends and be ready for some fun!

Happy Reading! LB

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